Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Week Prayer

Lamb of God,
We adore you for giving us the Mass,
by celebrating the Last Supper with your disciples.
We praise you for the wounds and pain 
Inflicted upon you,
So that our sins are forgiven and we are saved by Your Cross.
We weep as we remember
Good Friday.
We love and give thanks to you,
Oh Jesus,
Our Lamb of God.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Holy Week in the Catholic Classroom or Home School

We Learn our Faith 
with Catholic Education

Holy Week

Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.  After listening to Sunday's readings in Mass, on Monday, re-read the Gospel according to John in The Catholic Children's Bible by Regina Press (John 12:12-19), or New American Bible for older children.  I often suggest the Comic Strip Bible or Action Bible. However, this week I recommend the former as it describes the prophecy of what was to happen to Jesus thoroughly.  A copy of the reading can be found in the sidebar if educators are on-line.

Learn more about Jesus' journey during Holy Week by exploring MAP 9 of Jerusalem, at    This is a wonderful link that displays the road to Bethany, the Garden of Gethsamini and Mount Olivet.

Discuss the Gospel with oral or written questions, depending upon age:
  1. If Jesus was thought of as a King why did he ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?  Why not a regal horse?
  2. What did Jesus' followers do when Jesus rode into town?
  3. What did the Pharisees say to Jesus about the celebration in his honor?
  4. "Out of the mouths of infants and sucklings you have perfected praise" is a quote Jesus reminds the Pharisees to follow.  Jesus is talking about children.  What is He saying about you?
  5. What will happen to Jesus next?

Now that your classroom or family has read and discussed the Palm Sunday readings, add a little fun to your Holy Week with the following activity:

Read Humphrey's First Palm Sunday aloud.  This is wonderful Christian Literature that brings your younger children close to Jesus, as a proud, silly camel named Humphrey runs into Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.

After reading about Humphrey, choose one or both of the following projects.

  1. Download and color the worksheet linked to this address,
  2. Make a palm using paper towel rolls, green construction paper and glue. Wrap and glue paper towel roll with green construction paper or color with green marker.  Fold green consruction paper in half (long side length, short side width).  On one half, draw a palm leaf.  On the other half, draw a "tail" attached to the palm for wrapping around your paper towel roll.  Every few inches wrap palm tail around roll and glue to make a palm branch.  

Nothing can replace the praise at church on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.  Before next weekend I will post a lovely Easter Lesson for you to share with your home schools or classrooms during the Easter Season.  May you experience a fruitful Holy Week and a Blessed Easter Sunday.

Easter Season Jellybean Jar ~
Here is a fun idea for the next few spring weeks after Easter Season begins.  Every time you catch your children helping, being kind, or trying hard at academics put a few jelly beans in an empty jar.  Once the jar is full, celebrate with a movie or game party in the classroom or at home.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Not So Perfect Blogger

A week ago my sister-in-law and I lamented about what you are reading . . . blogs.  She reads blogs.  I read them and write this work-in-progress.  Post writing is a pleasure.

It is the social media I am not sure of.  Besides calling Twitter, "Tweeter" and tweets, "twits," I have no earthly idea what I am doing on facebook.  In December, I joined facebook under my name and found a couple hundred current, high school, college and job related friends.  Being the consumate traveler of guilt trips, I panicked.  It would be rude not to respond to every cute new puppy or engagement announcement.  If a facebook friend posted their first grade child's grade point average on their wall, I'd have to post something else about my children.  Perhaps I would brag that my twins land on the center of their bed when leaping off the top of their dresser.  I deleted my facebook page.

But, I had to get the word out about this blog.  So I began a blog facebook page.  Since February I have incurred five followers and two likes.  I do not know how to import my email list; and even if I mastered sending friend invitations to my two hundred connections, they would decline my invitation, not knowing what the heck a Catholic Teacher Daydream is anyway.

The conception of Catholic Teacher Daydreams was two-fold.  I desired an opportunity to write about a topic that would help others.  Although I adore homemaking I am not an expert; as four boys have created a rather unattractive house for me.  I can see it now; a post about cleaning bathrooms, "Every day you must bleach and scrub your toilets, lest you stand outside the bathroom door and yell at your young men,"DO NOT SPRINKLE WHEN YOU TINKLE!"  It is a hopeless situation I am not called to write about at this stage of my life.

Since I have taught in the classroom and home for several years, I decided to focus on Catholic education instead.  I am experienced and knowledgeable about educating in the faith, and fond of teaching.  That joy has been transparent to my slowly growing blog audience.  But, I coveted my blog idea for a second reason.  My husband has been working full time since I began home educating eight years ago; and I yearned to earn some extra income for our large family.  Unless one counts $1.33 in affiliate earnings, I cannot call this endeavor a success.  However, I excell in self-deprication and will humbly take advice from experienced, successful bloggers reading this post.

Which brings me to my last point about blogs, and back to my sister-in-law, who is also well versed at knocking herself down a notch on the self-esteem ladder.  She and I observed that when we read blogs we begin to feel inferior to the authors.  Yet, it is not the bloggers who are making us feel poorly about ourselves.  We assume that because experts know an abundant amount about one topic, they are the authority in every subject.  Most importantly, their lives are perfect because of their expertise.

My sister-in-law is on top of the world after running six miles on
her treadmill, until she reads runners' blogs.  There is a mother of three, out there in the blogosphere,
that ran a marathon on Saturday, then Sunday she ran another six miles.  My sister-in-law ran a few marathons, but could  barely walk to the car afterward.  So, she compares herself to "Running Blogging Girl" instead of the vast population that cannot run a mile (myself included), then suddenly feels defeated.

I read education sites.   New teaching philosophies that I am uncertain I want to approach make me feel too traditional.  A unique lesson creates blogger envy in me.  A home school advises saintly patience while I am hollering at my children to be quiet, so I can read her blog.   And, yes, I am drinking Diet Coke and eating baked potato chips, instead of yogurt smoothies, while I read bloggers' healthy recipes.

So, what must my sister-in-law and I do about this travesty in the blogger world?  We need to avoid the assumption that everyone else has it all together.  Blogs are for sharing what we are good at, but we are not good at everything.  God made us in His image, but gave us human qualities.

God made my sister-in-law a pipsqueek.  With today's safety laws it is amazing she isn't required to use a booster seat when she drives.  For her to run six miles is an accomplishment.  Perhaps the runner she reads about is 5'11 long legged, lean and fast, but a terrible cook who puts her children in front of the television while she runs.  Maybe not, but God knows she is not perfect.  And I choose to focus on a teacher's amazing lesson that should earn her a nobel peace prize for best home schooler in the twenty-first century.  I forget the posts when home school parents threaten to quit half-way through the school year or complain about their teenager half a dozen times in one paragraph.

Women need to support one another, rather than envy one another's successes.  Kindness and prayer are the benefits of sharing our stories.  My sister-in-law will keep running.  I will continue this blog, despite my lack of income and knowledge about direct tweeting. When I read honest accounts of failed lessons or crabby toddlers, I will comment with an encouraging word.  And when they share their success stories I will celebrate with them!   Now, if someone could just tell me how to join Pinterest . . .

*If you are reading this post because you subscribed by email, please link to Catholic Teacher Daydreams at the bottom for Literature recommendations and lessons.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Warm Place for Thinking

Early Monday morning, I could hear my children fighting over it as I walked downstairs. It is a common occurrence in our home this time of year.  Most mornings I am breaking up the scuffle with a stern voice before I see them.  And if I am not there fast enough, I know I will be separating my six children like a referee in the middle of a hockey fight.

What is it that is so prized and worth battling for with all their might?  Is it the television remote, the iPad, or the last piece of chocolate cake?  No, in our home, it is our floor heating vents.

Living in a house, where the original rooms were built before Minnesota became a state and another portion was constructed before the Titanic sank, warm air on a cold winter morning can be as hard to come by as water in the desert.  And when the heat begins to slowly rise from the wood burning stove below, the children are quickly drawn to the vents scrambling for their warm place.

Though there are several vents on each level of our house, there are two that are coveted as if they were the best seats at a sporting event.  Their favorites are chosen because they are located away from the drafty windows and thin plaster exterior walls, which provide only a few inches of protection from the cold winds outside.

I remember, as a child, racing downstairs to claim the best seat for Saturday morning cartoons.  Our children do the same during weekends; but on school mornings, it is a race to the vents to see who gets the warmest place for school work.

It seems a great inconvenience at times for my wife and me to step over a pile of children on our way down a hallway. But after observing their actions, the nuisance should be ignored, if not celebrated.  Most often, there is a book being read, a math problem being solved or a report being written, with the only sound coming from the hum of the stove's fan below.

In today's homes, where constant noise blares from the television, computers and hand held electronics, a retreat to a warm vent with only your thoughts, prayers and a good book, is a welcomed venture.  

Our nine year old,
writing in his journal,
cozy and warm

Contributed by my husband and hurdler of six little bodies warming themselves over heat vents.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Who is Pope Francis?

Photo courtesy of Holy Family, St. Louis Park, MN

Background:  This lesson is timely for today's Catholic culture.  Children should pray for and support our new Pope by learning about him.  Clear, child friendly information regarding the Pope was written at Our Sunday Visitor .

Materials:  Our Sunday VisitorFor the Children; We Have a Pope; Jesus our Life (Faith and Life Series Grade 2) from Ignatius Press*; posterboard (one per group); markers; crayons; pencils; and notebook paper.

Objective:  To recognize and explore our new Pope's life and his calling to the Catholic church.    To cooperate in a group setting to create a poster about Pope Francis.

Procedure:  Begin by reviewing knowledge about Popes.  These main points are found in the curricula and children's literature suggested in "materials."
  • Peter was an apostle who taught people about Jesus. Jesus made him the head of His Church on earth.  His title became "The first Pope of our Catholic Church."
  • Today the Pope has Peter's job and he is the leader of Catholics.  
  • The Pope and Bishops teach us about the Bible and tell us how to lead good lives.  Catholic leaders make rules about the Mass and sacraments.  If Catholic lay people made up the rules, we might have different ideas about what is right and wrong, so it is important to learn what Jesus wants us to know through the Church leaders.
  • The Church is like a body and without followers like us, bishops, priests, deacons, sisters, and the Pope the body would suffer.
Next, discuss our new pastor of the Church, Pope Francis.  Allow time for discussion about what the children have learned recently.  Are the children's conceptions of the news correct?  The following are focal points regarding Pope Francis. Older children should take notes.

  • Our new Pope's name is Pope Francis.  He chose that name because he wants to be a Pope for the poor and for peace.  Saint Francis of Assissi was known for loving the poor and being peaceful.
  • Before he came to Rome, he lived in Buenos Airies, Argentina (show Argenitina on map).  Since 1998 he has been the archbishop of Buenos Airies.  
  • His name before he became Pope Francis was Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
  • He is 76 years old.  What year was his birth?
  • His ordination was in 1969 (He became a priest then).
  • There are a lot of firsts connected with Pope Francis.  He is the first Latin American Pope.  He is the first Jesuit priest to become a Pope.  Since 731 there has not been a pope that came from outside of Europe.  Wow!
  • Almost half of Catholics are from Latin America so they are very excited to have Pope Francis become our Pope.

Group Assignment:  Assign jobs to each group.  Homeschools will have one group or create with Mom.  A "runner" gets information resources, notebook paper, posterboard, pencils, crayons and markers.  A "recorder" writes a rough draft of what the posterboard will look like.  A "leader" makes the final decision about what should be recorded.  Work as a group to produce the final copy.  A"publisher" reads the end project out loud.

Hand out materials and assign a rough draft paragraph with a topic sentence introducing our new Pope or describing what a Pope does for the Catholic church.  Then, write three sentences about Pope Francis.  Finally, write a concluding sentence with an opinion or interesting fact.  Once rough draft has been edited, record the paragraph on posters.  Include a symbol or drawing of our new Pope.  Suggested symbols include, keys crossed (because Jesus gave Peter the keys to His kingdom), a drawing of Italy with a star for Rome, a picture of St. Peter's Bascilica found in the literature below.

Apostle Book Store 952-931-0004



Have fun!  Throw a Pope party.  Play Latin music and present posters.  A yummy Argenitne treat that may be served is called Pizza a Caballo. Argentine food is influenced by Europe, but adds delicious twists.  Pizza a Caballo (means on horseback in spanish) is topped with peppery flat bread to make a "pizza sandwich."  Although North American flat bread is plainer than South American bread, it will give children an idea of what the Pope might have eaten in his native land.

Evaluation: Assess the children's paragraphs using a  COPS Writing Rubric.  Did the children cooperate in their groups?  Did they learn something about our new Pope they did not know before?

Teacher's Notes:  *Ignatius Press is my choice for faith formation curricula, but if you use different curricula that is approved by the Magisterium with a posted Imprimatur, I'd like to hear other suggestions.  If you are a Catholic educator and know of an excellent children's literature resource about the Pope please leave a comment.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

St. Patrick's Watercolor Lesson

Irish Blessing 
May the road rise up to meet you. 
May the wind always be at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
and rains fall soft upon your fields. 
And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 

Background: Sunday is St. Patrick's Day.  This lesson may be presented during any March day.  Combine an Irish saint biography with expert advice from picture book artist Carol Heyer, and this becomes one special activity.

Materials:  Thick watercolor paper, paint brushes. watercolors, water, paper towels, book(s) about saints, Patrick by Tomie dePaola, Youtube video or alternative watercolor sources that highlight Ireland.


Objective: To gain knowledge about St. Patrick by reading a saint biography, and to use watercolors for painting Ireland's landscape.

Procedure: "What do we know about St. Patrick of Ireland?  Was he born in Ireland?  Why is he considered the patron saint of Ireland."  Discuss.  Read "March 17th" in The One Year Book of Saints by Reverand Clifford Stevens or Saints for Young Readers, revised and edited by Susan Helen Wallace, fsp.  Patrick by Tomie dePaola is a beautiful children's biography. The following are main points regarding Saint Patrick:

  • St. Patrick was not born to an Irish family.  He was born in Roman Britain.  In 410, when he was sixteen, Irish pirates pillaged and burned villages off the coast of Britain.  They took British, like Patrick, and made them their slaves back in their homeland.
  • As he worked in the green fields of Ireland, St. Patrick constantly prayed to Jesus and Mary for protection and companionship.  Six years later he was brought to France; then returned to his home. 
  • At home, Patrick could not forget pagan Ireland, and his spiritual life in the green hills as a worker.  
  • After becoming a priest and bishop he returned to Ireland, "bringing the light of the Catholic faith to Ireland."  He converted kings, wrote and studied about the faith diligently, and founded churches.
  • Although St. Patrick labored to bring the Catholic faith to the Irish, for many years he faced persecution.  Clergy criticised him for trying to convert the "Irish Barbarians," telling him that he was wasting his time.  Bad weather and hardships while he traveled nearly cost him his life.
  • Legend has it that near the end of his life, St. Patrick went to the top of Mt. Aigili to pray for 40 days and nights.  He looked down on Ireland and blessed the Irish.  God told the Saints of Erin to come to the top of that mountain and continue blessing Ireland with faith, so that St. Patrick's mission would become worthwhile.  He has been Ireland's patron saint ever more.
  • The power of one man and his holiness is depicted in the story of St. Patrick.

Students write two or three sentences to summarize the preceeding highlights.

Continue this lesson with an art project.  View this video of landscape turned to watercolor, or show other sources of gorgeous  Irish landscape in watercolors.

This video is from zippyc3, 2007.
Youtube address is
The images are watercolors of photos taken in 2004.

After student's acquaint themselves with the landscapes that Saint Patrick roamed, show materials used for watercolors. 

Children's book illustrator, Carol Heyer was kind enough to share these enlightening watercolor tips for young artists:

"Lay out your sketch VERY lightly in pencil, the horizon line, hills etc.  Then, wet the sky area and while it's wet lay in blue for the sky.  In true watercolor, the artist uses the white of the paper, but if it's easier children can use white.  The sky is usually darker at the top and lighter at the horizon.  If you stand outside and look up, you'll see the dome of the sky is an amazing darker blue.  Let that area dry then brush in your hill or mountain colors.   The farther away an object is the bluer it appears.  This is called atmosphere. So make the hills in the back bluish purple.  

If you have a lake or river, lay it in on the darkish side and while the paint is still wet, sprinkle salt on top. Let it dry, and then brush it off.  This is a fun technique that makes the water look like it sparkles!  I love doing this.  If you have grass in the picture paint the background light green, let it dry and put layers of green on top to look like blades of grass, smaller in the back, larger and darker in the front.  

Remember with true watercolor you start out with light layers (with more water added to lighten it.), let the layers dry and gradually build up the darker areas with additional color.  Most of all, just have fun with this technique and paint!"

Allow plenty of time for this project to dry and for students to continue darker additions.

Evaluation:  Assess effort and appreciation only.  Did the student summarize important information regarding St. Patrick?  Did he show interest in the watercolor samples?  Did the student put effort into his or her painting?

Teacher Notes:  Special thanks to Carol.  Carol reminds us that children who try hard and spend time on their illustrations can accomplish as much as those with natural talent.  For more inforation about Carol go to  Have fun and God Bless the Irish.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White Smoke! Awaiting Announcement of New Pope

7:30 p.m., Italy ~

Our six children and I are riveted to the television.  My four year old is on the couch, sucking her thumb, singing, "We have a new Pope!"

The image we watch is dim and damp.  An immense mass of umbrellas and hopeful followers fill St. Peter's Square.  They will tell their grandchildren about this day as being the most momentous day of thier lives.  Bright lights surround the crowd.  The backdrop of Rome is architectural beauty, pious and divine like our Catholic church.  Benjamin, my twelve year old, asks, "Can he change the laws of Church?"

"He leads the Church like St. Peter.  He doesn't have to change the Church because it's Jesus' Church.  He just has to be sure we follow Jesus' Church." my oldest daughter explains.

Joyful suspense.

The world is united with Catholics, the followers in St. Peter's square are awesome.

7:33 p.m. In Italy ~

The band arrives in rain.  The color guard follows wearing raincoats over their stripes.

Will our Pope be young, like St. Gregory?  Italian?  This is no longer an Italian event.  Pope John Paul II brought Rome,  and the Catholic Church, into the world's eyes.  

The wait continues.  Moments ago our new Pope was in the Room of Tears and now collects himself,

 before he steps out as Vicar of Christ.

Ryan, our nine year old has "Come to love and know Pope Benedict."  He says he will miss him.

The crowd's noise is deafening and then quiet.  Deafening, then quiet.  It is a sea of people that move like waves in an ocean.  Praying and overcome with emotion.

I wonder, out loud, why the media keeps telling us that the new Pope must change the problems of the Catholic Church.  They lament about the Church catching up to the modern world.  Because people follow and lead the Church, we are not infallible.  But, why must the Church make all the changes?  Should not the world change its ways?  Are we not becoming a Godless world?  Perhaps our new Holy Father will lead our Church to a new evangelism that tells the world that The Church is Jesus' Church. We will be part of the modern world, but we will not waiver in His teachings.

8:12 p.m. ~ The white curtain above the square opens.  "Habemus Papam!  We have a new Pope!"

"The Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lord
Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ
who assumes for himself the name
Francis."  EWTN.

Cardinal Bergoglio, an Argentine Jesuit, son of an Italian immigrant, steps onto the balcony where an Argentine flag now hangs

An overwhelming roar ascends to His Holiness.  The Latin Catholics, such a grand Catholic flock,  must feel enormous pride.  Their Cardinal is now Pope Francis.

My four year old American Catholic is bouncing and singing, "I love my Pope!" 

The Argentine National Anthem resonates in the piazza.  The crowd noise is a joyous hum.  He is said to be humble, wearing the simple white cossack and modest cross.

He begins, "Good Evening.  As you know, the duty of the conclave was to appoint a bishop of Rome, and it seems to me that my brother cardinals have chosen who is from far away. Here I am.

I would like to thank you for your embrace, also to the Roman Catholic Church and the bishops, thank you very much. And first and foremost, I would like to pray for our bishop emeritus, Benedict XVI

Let us pray together for him so that he is blessed by the Lord.

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.


Glory be to the Father, the Son, 

and the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning,

is now and every shall be, 

world without end.

Let us begin this journey together... this journey for the Roman Catholic Church. It is a journey of friendship, of love, of trust, and faith. Let us pray always for one another. Let us pray for the whole world. Let us have a big brotherhood.

I wish that this journey for the Church, which we will start today... will bear fruits for the evangelizing of this beautiful city.

I would like to offer you my blessing. But I would like to ask a favor first. I would like to pray to the Lord so that the prayer of the people blesses also the new pontiff. Let us pray in silence your prayer for me. . . ."

The silence is the most beautiful quiet our world has ever experienced.  Every Catholic child in the world knew the prayers he prayed.  He chose humble, simple prayers.  Is that the Pope he will be?  Did we just kneel and pray with the Pope?  With the world?

The bells peal and the crowd departs as our new Pope wishes them a good sleep, just as a Father wishes for his children. God has given the world a gift.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Children's Books and Lent Favorites

Olivia books by Ian Falcnor 

Our favorite little girl pig, who loves to accessorize and embelish is Olivia.  She's full of spunk, has a flare for drama and kids love her.  Meet Olivia in her self-titled picture book.  Hear about Olivia's fabulous summer in Olivia Saves the Circus and find out what happens when somebody loses Olivia's favorite toy in Olivia and the Missing Toy.  Enjoy these Olivia books and everything in between . . . 



What about books for boys?  The following recommendations will motivate 6 - 8 year old boys to sit still long enough to read the entire book. 

Series books for boys who are beginning to read on their own, but will gladly share a book with Mom and Dad.

David A. Kelly

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

These picture book classics by Viriginia Lee Burton are sure to be hits with your boys.  Dad will remember them too.


Don't forget about Saint Patrick and Ireland, with Tomie dePaola this March. 


The following books grace the shelves of The Apostle Book Store, in Minnesota.  Call (952)931-0004 for a secure order.

When you're finished browsing through Lent books, take a moment to read about Olivia books and books for boys.
Children's Lent Books

The Proud Tree by Luane Roache is an endearing book that tells the story of the crucifixion from Rex's point of view.  Rex was the tree that became the cross Jesus carried to Calvary.

The Tale of Three Trees, retold by Angela Hunt, is a moving folktale of three trees in the life of Christ: trees that became His manger, His fishing boat and His cross.

Humphrey's Palm Sunday by Carol Heyer is a charming book that tells the story of Palm Sunday from the point of view of Humphrey, the camel who helps us see the joy of following Jesus

Stations of the Cross for Children by Julianne 
M.Will is a beautiful little book filled with moving prayer and colored illustrations to help pray through each of the fourteen stations of the cross.

Children's Christian Literature

Jesus Calling, 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young is a devotional book for children with daily meditations and scripture passages chosen for each day.  Text is written in the first person, as if Jesus is talking directly to the child.

Neal Lozano's lovely story entitled What can I Give God? is written for young children.  Little ones learn that the best gifts are those that we can give back to God.

We have a Pope!  A timely book for Catholic children, this illustrated book explains in a clear fashion the manner in which the Pope is chosen. Written by Karen Congeni and released when His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI became Pope, it will be fascinating for children to learn about this topic as we wait to discover who our new Pope will be.

Faith Formation for Young Adults and Parents

Scott Hahn's Lenten Reflections is a wonderful book filled with meditations for Lent, Holy Week and Easter.  Meditations are followed by thoughtful questions.  Make your Lent more fruitful by choosing this spiritual book.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Characters of the Passion is a classic that depicts different people involved in the Passion.  Readers will learn much from the chosen characters.  One cannot go wrong with such an amazing author.

The Hidden Power of Kindness by Father Lawrence Lovasik shows us how to model our lives after the Sacred Heart of Jesus, resulting in an increase in the virtue of kindness toward those around us.  These are writings we can all benefit from, but teens and their parents need prayers for the virtue of kindness, as the teen years can be difficult.

952-931-0004 to find these and others at the Apostle Book Store.

Every effort was made to use photos from author's, publisher's or distributor's websites, so as not to borrow photos from other retailers.